Grandma and Charlotte

Grandma and Charlotte

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hey Everyone!

So this will be our first post! I honestly have gotten really bad at checking the blog ever since it went private because then it no longer updates me when there is something new!
First off I guess I should start with me. Little baby Emmett is due in 19 days. It seems like we just hit 99 days yesterday. We are slowly getting everything ready. I've had a really hard time with my pelvis but just trying to suck it up, although the past 2 days I've claimed defeat and finally had to admit that I was in too much pain. I've needed help with Bridger and my house is severely neglected, which is why I'm so thankful for what Ben can help with when he is at home.
Benjamin had some nerve blockers injected into his neck today to see if there is a certain nerve that may be triggering his migraines. It was guided by xrays and he needed 4 shots of the numbing medicine. It didn't work right away like we had hoped and he needed a shot for painkiller before we could go. He is still working away at Baker. Sometimes there is enough work and sometimes there isn't but he is doing wonderfully.
Bridger is now 18 months old which means he is an official member in the church nursery. It has been wonderful to sit through meetings and actually LISTEN without trying to manage Bridger. I guess this came at a perfect time-right before Emmett is born :)
Daniel and Linsey-can't wait for you guys to come home! And Daniel-we hope you get some sleep at the cabin! :p We will hope that Emmett sleeps well!
Love you all! <3

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