This week has been interesting, lindsey has been working hard and I have been filling the role of Househusband. Its been interesting, I've kind of liked it. I cook food for lindsey, I clean the house, I make sure everything is in order for when she comes home. Its really been a learning experience for me. I now know that I should always appreciate what she does for me because It will be a lot of work for her when I am working full time here in a few weeks.
I have been working a lot on my simulation engine lately, and my tan, both are going wonderfully, although my tan seems to be more white than anything else. I have been doing a lot of swimming in the pool that we have here with our apartment, and we have been using the hot tub at nights. It a nice place that we have here.
We are located just on the edge between the nice part of town and the bad part of town, so we enjoy the cheep prices that come with the bad part of town, and we also have a lot of good people that you find in the good part of town. Our apartment complex is large and has a lot of retired people, mentally challenged people, and working people. We feel safe here, its a good place to stay for a few months.
We have been riding the busses around San Antonio a lot. we are taking advantage of the month passes that we bought, and we are going to continue to buy them because of how convenient they are for us. the bus stops right in front of our complex, and it takes us to the super market or even as far as the down town river walk. A bus a block away drops me off in front of USAA, and takes me back home at night as well. and we can manage to get anywhere we want just by riding the busses.
The busses can also get us to the Zoo, we went there on Tuesday. It was a large zoo, and we both liked it a lot. There were a lot of exhibits that you could get in close to the animals, well at least the nicer ones. they didn't let anyone in with the lions or tigers or bears, oh my. but we went into a lot of aviaries and played with parrots, and had a lot of finches, crazy looking chickens like things, and a large variety of birds to be around. The zoo is also is nesting grounds for a bunch of wild herons and another swampy bird that I cant remember what kind it is. Unfortunately they like to nest by the hundreds in the tallest trees over the busiest paths. So yes we were almost pooped on because we were not paying attention. gross.
we saw little tiny antelopes, a strange zebra giraffe thing, geckoes, kangaroos, snapping turtles, sea horses, butterflies in a conservatory that you can walk through and have them land on you, ocelots, and manny other strange and slightly tamed animals.
All in all it was a great zoo to visit, and we were able to see why it is one of the best ones in the nation.
As for slightly tame animals, there are none of those living in our house, just very wild cockroaches, that seem to have some sort of sick fascination with scaring Lindsey. Needless to say, I have bought hotels for them to stay at and some spray on body wash for them that I think that they will like. Hopefully they wont stay for long.
Lots of Love
Daniel and Lindsey.
Thanks for posting. That was really interesting to hear how your week went!