Grandma and Charlotte

Grandma and Charlotte

Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's cold out there but the sun is different. It's brighter and promises spring. I read this morning that the sun is shooting out big explosions of stuff that will bombard the earth this afternoon and tomorrow so if odd things happen to your technology, blame it on the sun.
I don't really have much to say but I wanted to touch base and be glad that you are there. The next lesson I get to do for RS is REFLECTIONS ON A CONSECRATED LIFE by Elder D. Todd Christofferson. I have to say I always wondered what it meant to live a consecrated life.
Elder Christofferson put it very clearly; " Consecration therefore means repentance. Stubbornness, rebellion, and rationalization must be abandoned and in their place submission, a desire for correction and acceptance of all that the Lord may require. This is what King Benjamin called putting off the natural man, yielding to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and becoming a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord." (Mosiah 3:19)
I like that. After all that is what the gospel of Jesus Christ is all about, because of Him we can change and become like Him. He can change our hearts and heal our wounds.
I was visiting with my VT's and we got to talking about Elder Packer's talk and how upset the alternate life style people got at him for suggesting they could change. Amazing. The whole message of the gospel is change or repentance. What we are now doesn't have to be what we will be later. Through Christ we can become better and we can become as He is.
And don't we want that? People who break the commandments and then try to blame others for how miserable they are don't understand why we are here on the earth. " Adam fell that men might be; men (and women) are that they might have joy."(2nd Nephi 2:25) "Wickedness never was happiness." (Alma 41:10)
How grateful I am for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Repentance, what a blessing.

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