I am so grateful for all of you and the good lives that you live. May the Lord bless you with peace and happiness in all of your difficult trials. Love ya all!
Grandma and Charlotte
Sunday, December 26, 2010
What a day yesterday! The house was full and it was great. I really appreciate everyone's effort to be here and to be together. It was a lot of fun. I really appreciate those who worked so hard in the kitchen to put food on the table. It was all delicious! My diet was totally ruined and it'll sure be hard to go back to counting points tomorrow. Good thing there is lots of good food in the fridge and others ate so many cookies. :-)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Sisters, such a lovely relationship. Through the years I have found that the most important thing I can do is to forgive them and say I'm sorry when things get too contentious. Honestly, I had the most lovely time going to Aunt Jean's funeral. Helped keep Mom and Dad from straying too far from the crowd and enjoyed a lovely visit with my sister.
When I left for home, it was time to come home. We Clarkes simply don't always think about how offensive what we say is so it was time to come home.
As for my brothers, the spoiled one was simply rude.
Aunt Jean was the oldest living daughter and was 12 when Mom and Aunt Erna were born. She took care of them and all the younger children. Mom said when she started working outside the home she always provided Christmas for them. Mom never forgot Aunt Jeans care. And that's what she continued to do all of her life. She cared for people and fed them. She was always kind to us and always was hospitable. It was important for Mom to honor her sister by going to the funeral so we did.
As we sat there it was clear to see that she was loved by her posterity and will be missed greatly.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
So this week I bought new copies of the conference issue (cause I lost ours) and began reading again. This time I got out my note book and began taking notes of each talk. Sister Herbert shared how she studied the talks and I thought what a good idea. She studies them like scripture(which they are) and looked up the notes at the end.
Elder Bednar's talk on RECEIVE THE HOLY GHOST was really insightful. My understanding of this gift increased. I broke it down into a few notes but the one I want to record here is found in Moroni 8:26. This is the process whereby we get in tune with the spirit. First repentance brings meekness and lowliness of heart, then cometh the visitation of the Holy Ghost which comforter filleth with hope and perfect love.
Once we feel this love we are faced with the challenge of keeping it. This happens through diligence in prayer until the end. We must pray always. We must keep the Lord in remembrance always.
Next, how do we receive the Holy Ghost?
1. sincerely desire the companionship of the Holy Ghost
2. Appropriately invite the Holy Ghost into our lives.
a. prayer of faith. D&C 42:14
b. making and keeping covenants
c. searching the scriptures diligently
d. strengthening appropriate relationships with family and friends
e. seeking after virtuous thoughts, actions, and language
f. worshipping in our homes, temples, at church
3. Faithfully obey
. . . .everything the Savior's gospel teaches us to do and become is to bless us with the companionship of the Holy Ghost.
...We primarily gather together in unity to seek the blessings of and instruction from the Holy Ghost.
4. Testimony
. . . .keep hearts open to conviction so that when the Holy Ghost comes to them, their hearts will be ready to receive it.
We have a great gift given to us at baptism. Let us work hard to be in tune with the Holy Ghost so that our lives will be guided in wisdom and truth. So important.
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